Welcome to this page of Veterinary eLearning Weblinks


One of the aims of my assignment is to provide you with access to eLearning resources that are available internationally in the English language. In particular, I want to provide you with resources that will improve your practical experience.

Links to these websites are now stored in this section of the AFU website.

Many of these websites were created because vets in most developed countries are required to undertake a certain number of hours of continuing education (CE) to maintain their professional registration. (It is also called continuous professional development, CPD). This is why you will see the abbreviation CE and a number of hours associated with some of the eLearning material. Also, some of the educational material satisfies standards set by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards. These courses are listed in the Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE). You can usually print a certificate of completion after taking these courses.

Note that there are 2 categories of weblinks: ‘Free Access’ and ‘Restricted Free Access’.

1. Free Access

This category contains eLearning websites that can be accessed by anyone free of charge. (Although some of these require you to register first).

All students can access these sites without any fee.

Information on using ‘Free Access’ eLearning weblinks is provided in the section below.

2. Restricted Free Access

This category contains links that can normally only be accessed after an annual payment of around US$400- 300 per person is received. I have negotiated with these eLearning providers to waive the fee for you so that AFU vet students can have free access to the material on these sites.

You are required to register with the Restricted Free Access websites using your contact details which will be verified from a list of AFU veterinary student’s details provided by the Dean’s Office.

You will need to attach a photo of your student ID. So have that ready before registering on these sites.

At the moment, this privilege is available only to AFU vet students expected to graduate in June 2020. (Except Vetstream which is available to every AFU vet student. See below)

Restricted Free Access

Vetlexicon / Vetstream

I suggest you begin by using https://www.vetstream.com/login

This is a huge eLearning resourse for all species. You do not need to register individually for this site since you can use my email address and password.

Username: [email protected]

Password: Password1

You can either select which species you are interested in (on the upper right corner of the page), or enter a topic in the Search Vetlexicon box.

Here is a link to help you make the most of Vetlexicon - Vetlexicon User Guide

Note: This resource is exceptional since it is available to ALL vet students at AFU (not just those graduating in June 2020).


Mostly dog and cat. This is s very important website.

I collaborated with the IT department at VetBloom to create a bespoke eLearning website especially for AFU vet students.

This means that the material on this website has been selected specifically for you.

Some of the material is in PDF format and some are videos. More material will be added in the future.

Please login to the site https://afuvet.vetbloomlearn.com

Username: Your Email Address

Password: Student1!

(You can change your password later by selecting Preferences from the dropdown menu below your name on the upper right corner of the page)

Click on Course Search and select a course from the list provided.

Most courses finish with a Quiz. You can usually save or print a certificate on successful completion of each course.

Click on this link here to read more about the AFU VetBloom Portal.

Please let Prakash Panthi ([email protected]) know if there is anything specifically that you would like added to this website.


All species.

This is a huge eLearning resource. It was the original eLearning website and probably has the highest number of followers.

Detailed instructions for subscribing to this website are provided here

10 tips to getting started on VIN as a Student Member can be found here


This is a huge eLearning resource.

All species.

The best way to search for relevant material is probably by clicking on ‘Species’ or ‘Topics’ on the left side of the page.

Alternatively, you can use the Search and Filter boxes, or one of the dropdown menus at the top of the page.

Detailed instructions for subscribing to this website are provided here


Mostly small animal.

Concentrates on videos of procedures at Portland Emergency Veterinary Hospital, Oregon, USA.

Until further notice, access is restricted to 50 vet students. These need to be invited to join by Dr Douglas Wilson or Prakash Panthi.

Please have a look at this website and email Prakash  ([email protected]) if you want to have access.


All species.

This website contains webinars, videos and podcasts on many topics in both small and large animals.

Unfortunately, the site only provides you with limited access under a Trial Membership. Payment is required to obtain most of the material.



Using ‘Free Access’ eLearning Websites

Most websites contain material on all species.

You can either BROWSE through this group of weblinks ...

… or SEARCH for a particular topic or subject by pressing the shortcut combinbation Ctrl-F on your keyboard and typing the word you are looking for into your browser’s search box.

(Try typing alternative words if you don’t find what you are looking for the first time: eg cow or cattle or bovine)

Note: The search facility will not find every available topic since the list provided by some websites is incomplete. In other words, there are more topics than those listed. You will need to search individual websites in order to find all the available material.


Free Access

CPD - Veterinary Webinars

Online courses and webinars.

All species.

Join the Webinar Club and have a look around. Some webinars are free.

Wound care, fluid therapy, itchy skin, feeding, allergy, epilepsy, lymphoma, physiotherapy, neurology, ultrasound and many more.

Pharmaceutical company sponsored. The sister website to this one is http://www.cpd-solutions.com/ (Payment required)

The African Veterinary Information Portal

All species.

Many topics.

This is a good website to explore.

Educational resources used by African veterinary students.

Lots of material relevant to Nepal vet students.

Distance Education at CVM - Tuskegee University

All species.

Anatomy, histology, physiology, molecular biology, public health, pathobiology, radiography.

Centre for Veterinary Education | Membership

Extensive valuable eLearning resource from the Sydney University Vet School.

Free student membership.

Podcasts, free library access, Control & Therapy publication.

All species.

Various topics.

Registration required with photo of student ID to subscribe to C&T series.

Merck Veterinary Manual

All species and topics.

Huge resource for information, reference ranges, etc.


Lots of info and references.

You can download the WikiVet App for Android (optional)

Be sure to look at the following links (Login required):

https://en.wikivet.net/Category:Video (many videos on various topics)

https://en.wikivet.net/Educational_Links (heaps of good links)

https://en.wikivet.net/Minnesota_Vet_School_Links (many links provided by MSU Vet Library)

http://www.vetbook.org/wiki/index.php/Vetbook:About (Australian version of WikiVet)

The World Veterinary Association Education Portal

World Small Animal Veterinary Association

National Animal Disease Information Service NADIS

Large animal. Articles and webinars.

Cattle, goats, sheep, pig, poultry.

Animal health and welfare through better disease prevention.

Parasitology, biosecurity, mastitis, abortion, etc.

Free Access to extensive NADIS Clinical Video Library.

Students are encouraged to submit videos of clinical cases they encounter in Nepal.




Clinician's Brief

AKC Canine Health Foundation

Dog / Canine

Free webinars on canine health topics (registration required).

Over 300 podcasts and webinars including genetics, behaviour, pyometra, semen, leptospirosis, meningitis, neutering, parasites, lymphoma, IMHA, etc.

Dechra’s Dedicated Training Portal


Login required.

Cattle, dog, cat, poultry, horse, rabbit, exotic.

  • Anaesthesia
  • Analgesia
  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • Nutrition
  • Endocrinology
  • Nutrition
  • Fluid Therapy
  • Locomotion
  • Neurology

The Veterinary Site

Veterinary Educational Videos


Various topics and list of other online veterinary resources.


IDEXX Learning Center

dvm360 CE Center

IVSA SCoVE Education Platform

All species.

Lists links to eLearning platforms. (I have already listed most of these links here on this page)

How to Sharpen Hair Clippers

How to care for electric clippers

GARC Education Platform

Rabies education awareness.

Enrolment required.

Certificates provided.

WAVMA - A Global Resource


World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association WAVMA resources.

Aquatic Medicine


Various articles on aquatic diseases.

Pet Poison Helpline

All species.

Webinars on poisoning.



Antimicrobial Resistance Learning Site

All species.

A suite of educational materials aimed at teaching and promoting the prudent use of antimicrobial agents in veterinary practice.

National Office of Animal Health Ltd. (NOAH)

All species.

Compendium of datasheets for all veterinary drugs in the UK with doses, etc.

This is an excellent resource for reference. 

NOAH - Responsible use of Animal Medicines

All species.

Responsible use of antibiotics and other animal medicines.

Pharmacology Android Apps

Canine IV Catheter Placement


How to insert a peripheral iv catheter in the cephalic vein of a dog.

(NOTE: advance the plastic cannula into the vein BEFORE withdrawing the metal needle stylet)

Clinical Pathology

Dr. Douglas demonstrates how to use the Hematology Analyser in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, AFU, Rampur 

Instructions for using the Haematology Analyser in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, AFU, Rampur


All species.

This is a major weblink.

Lots of topics through Free Online eCornell Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

Start your exploration here for haematology, urinanalysis, etc: http://www.eclinpath.com/atlas/


Veterinary bacteriology.

This database contains information on about 261 species (and subspecies) of importance in veterinary bacteriology.

Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory CBC Reference Intervals

UC Davis hematology reference ranges

Bovine Haematology

 Bovine haematology normal ranges

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Sheep and cattle normal haematology ranges


Cardiology and Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Introduction to ECG

ECG Interpretation

ECG Interpretation

Reading ECGs | Dr. Alan Spier

A good article on interpretation with examples.

ECG Interpretation Tutorial for Veterinary Technicians

Basic interpretation video and control adjustments. 2nd video in series of 2 by David Liss

Interpreting ECGs with Confidence: Part 1

A little too long

ECG Basics

A Power Point Presentation

ECG Interpretation and Management of Arrhythmias (Proceedings)

A brief summary

ECG Interpretation - Login required

Lead Placement

EKG Lead Setup in a Canine Patient

Short and basic. First in series of 2 by David Liss

Lead Placement

Lead placement in dog, horse, others

Anatomy, Histology and Pathology

 The Joint Pathology Center (JPC)

Digitalised histopathology slides

Many diseases and species

Charles Louis Davis and Samuel Wesley Thompson DVM Foundation

A huge archive of: Gross lesions, histopathology, normal histology, cytology and hematology, parasitology, poisonous plants, animals with/without clinical signs, schematics, radiographs, electron micrographs, and techniques ( … but slow)

SlidePath | Digital Slide Solutions

Murdoch University, Australia Digitalised histology and histopathology slides used for teaching purposes

Username: MurdochUni
Password: UNDA2016

Contact Dr. Puskar Pal for guidance in using this resource.

Veterinary Pathology Database

All species.

Dr John King’s gross veterinary pathology database.

Avian Necropsy Examination

Avian Cornell University necropsy post mortem examination protocol.

Bovine Necropsy Exam

Bovine Cornell University necropy post mortem examination protocol.


Veterinarian anatomy museum and other resources.

Please contact Dr. Anjani Kumar Mishra | [email protected] | 9841570035 for access to the following excellent Virtual Anatomy resources from Colorato State University College of Veterinary Medicine

Virtual Canine Anatomy

Virtual Equine Anatomy

Virtual Feline Anatomy

Virtual Bovine Anatomy

 Dog and Horse | Interactive Anatomy

Limb Anatomy | Bovine and Equine 


3D Anatomy

Additional material and clinical conditions can be accessed free by student members of VIN (see Restricted Free Access section above)

Hoof Explorer

3D images of equine hoof anatomy

Neuro-Anatomy of the Dog

Canine Brain MRI Atlas

Video Resources for Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, Fourth Edition

Textbook required for reference

The video clips on this web site are for use in collaboration with the fourth edition of Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology by Alexander de Lahunta, Eric Glass and Marc Kent and published by Elsevier in 2014.

Library and Journals


A student orientated learning website.

I recommend registering for a free account to access the extensive Vet-Library of major textbooks and articles with PDF download for free. This is a most valuable resource.

All species. Videos on a variety of subjects. Quizzes.

Pharmacology, zoonoses, infectious disease, endocrine, anaesthesia, fluid therapy, parasite, electrocardiography, autonomic nervous system, etc.

World Veterinary Association's Library

An extensive library of WVA documents.


Scientific journal reference search.

All species and topics.


The first pirate website in the world to provide mass and public access to tens of millions of research papers.

The URL may change. So try sci-hub.tw or sci-hub.se etc


Also try  Unpaywall ,  Kopernio,   Open Access Button , Library Genesis ,  Citationsy Archives


International Veterinary Information Service (IVIS)

Register for free access to the extensive library of books and journal on all species, including buffalo.

Avoid the Continuing Education (CE) courses since these must be paid for.

Veterinary Books Free Group

Download Free Veterinary Books

Veterinary Education & Pdf Books

Veterinary eBooks Library (The Group)

Veterinary Medicine Electronic Library

Veterinary Library


The Cutting Edge 3 by Kirpenseijn and Haar

An extensive guide to basic veterinary surgery techniques in all species

An illustrated guide to sugical techniques for farm, dog, horse and other species


Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare related Online Courses (Including M.Sc.)

Post Graduate Links (Including M.Sc.)

Foot and Mouth Disease

Foot-and-Mouth Disease Awareness Training

Excellent free online course about FMD awareness

Foot-and-Mouth Disease Online Training for Vets

Excellent free online course for vets

This list of eLearning weblinks was compiled by:

Dr. Douglas Wilson

during the year he worked as a Veterinary Clinician, Development and Planning Officer at

The Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Faculty of Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries
Agriculture and Forestry University
Rampur, Chitwan

This assignment was funded as part of the Government of Australia foreign aid program.
July 2019

Thanks to Susanta Poudel, DreamWork Solution for adding this page of eLearning links to the AFU website.

Please send any comments, errors or suggestions for other eLearning weblinks to Hari at [email protected]

Title File

The Cutting Edge 3 - Basic Veterinary Surgery Techniques

PDF icon An illustrated guide to sugical techniques for farm, dog, horse and other species

Instructions for using the ECG

PDF icon Download

VetFolio Application Guidelines

PDF icon Download

VIN Application Guidelines

PDF icon Download

Getting Started VIN Student 2019

PDF icon Download

VetBloom AFU Portal Info for Students

PDF icon Download

VIN application guidelines

File Download

VetFolio Application Guidelines

PDF icon Download

Guidelines for using the Ultrasound Machine

PDF icon Download

Guidelines for Haematology Analyser Use

PDF icon Download

Instructions for using the ECG

Accessing eLearning Resources from the AFU Website

Ultrasound Instructions for Use

Farewell from Dr. Douglas Wilson

Haematology Analyser By Dr. Douglas Wilson