Veterinary Medicine and Public Health

Faculty Members

Name Designation

Dr. Ishwari Prasad Dhakal

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Dr. Mohan Prasad Gupta

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Dr. Ram Prasad Paudel

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Dr. Subir Singh

Associate Professor
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Dr. Shekhar Pokhrel

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Rupak K.C.

Assistant Professor
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Courses offered at B.V.Sc. & A.H. Program

Semester Courses Credit Hours
FIFTH VPH 301 Environmental Hygiene 2 (1+1)
SIXTH VPH 302 Veterinary Epidemiology 3 (2+1)
VMC 301 Internal Medicine I (systemic) 3 (2+1)
SEVENTH VMC 402 Internal Medicine II (metabolic and deficiency) 3 (2+1)
VMC 403 Preventive Medicine I (bacterial, fungal and rickettsial) 3 (2+1)
VPH 403 Milk and Meat Hygiene, Food safety and Public Health 3 (2+1)
EIGHTH VMC 404 Preventive Medicine II (viral, protozoal and parasitic diseases) 3 (2+1)
VMC 405 Ethics and Jurisprudence 1 (1+0)
NINETH VPH 504 Zoonosis and+ Public Health 2 (1+1)
VMC 506 Animal Welfare 1 (1+0)


Courses offered at M.V.Sc. Program

Veterinary Medicine

Courses Credit Hours
VMC 601 Disease of cattle, Horse, Sheep and Goat-I
3 (2+1)
VMC 602 Disease of cattle, Horse, Sheep and Goat-II 3 (2+1)
VMC 603 Metabolic Diseases of Cattle, Sheep and Goat 3 (2+1)
VMC 604 Diseases of Dog and Cat 3 (2+1)
VMC 605 Diseases of Swine 1 (1+0)
VMC 606 Infectious Diseases of Horse, Sheep and Goat-I 3 (2+1)
VMC 607 Infectious Diseases of Horse, Sheep and Goat-II 3 (2+1)
VMC 608 Poultry Diseases 2 (1+1)
VMC 609 Diseases of Animals Caused by Toxicant 2 (1+1)
VMC 610 Wild life Medicine 3 (2+1)
VMC 611 Advanced Studies in Protozoan Diseases 2 (1+1)
VMC 612  Emergency Veterinary Medicine 3 (2+1)
VMC 699 M. Sc. Seminar 1 (0+1)
VMC 700 M. Sc. Thesis 15
VMC 899  Ph.D. Seminar 2 (0+2)
VMC 900 Ph.D. Dissertation 30

Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health

Courses Credit Hours
VPH 601  General Epidemiology
3 (2+1)
VPH 602  Introduction to Veterinary Public Health 3 (2+1)
VPH 603  Environmental Pollution & Safety 3 (2+1)
VPH 604  Food Hygiene and Toxicology 3 (2+1)
VPH 605  Occupational Health 1 (1+0)
VPH 606  Advanced Epidemiology 3 (2+1)
VPH 607  Biostatistical Methods for Public Health Practices 2 (1+1)
VPH 608  Viral Zoonoses, Recognition, Prevention and Control 2 (1+1)
VPH 609  Bacterial Zoonoses, Recognition, Prevention and Control 2 (1+1)
VPH 610  Parasitic Zoonoses, Recognition, Prevention and Control 2 (1+1)
VPH 611  Food Borne Infections and Intoxication, Prevention and Control 1 (1+0)
VPH 612  Heard Health Management and Biosecurity 3 (2+1)
VPH 613  Animal Health Economics 3 (2+1)
VPH 614  Organic Farming and Bio-products 1 (1+0)
VPH 615  Emerging and Re-Emerging Zoonoses 2 (1+1)
VPH 616  Veterinary Clinical Epidemiology 3 (2+1)
VPH 617  Ecology of Diseases 2 (2+0)
VPH 618  Quality Control of Foods of Animal Origin 2 (1+1)
VPH 619  Recent Concepts in Epidemiology & Disease Forecasting 3 (2+1)
VPH 620  Livestock and Poultry Disease Investigation 2 (0+2)
VPH 621  Survey, Surveillance and Data Management 3 (2+1)
VPH 622  Current Topics in Veterinary Public Health 2 (2+0)
VPH 623  Bioterrorism and Disaster Management 1 (1+0)
VPH 699 M. Sc. Seminar 1 (0+1)
VPH 700 M. Sc. Thesis 15
VPH 899  Ph.D. Seminar 2 (0+2)
VPH 900 Ph.D. Dissertation 30