Dr. Basant Acharya
Assistant Professor
Livestock Production and Management
Master of Animal Science
Major Field: 
Livestock Production and Management
Professional Experience: 
 18-08-2007 AD to 09-11-2008 AD- Veterinary Instructor Rapti Technical School (CTEVT), Lalmatiya, Dang
 10-11-2008 AD to 10-11-2010 AD- Chief Quality Assurance Officer Radwa Food Production Company Ltd., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
 07-02-2011 AD to 19-06-2012 AD -Veterinary Officer Provimi Animal Nutrition India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India
 20/06/2012 AD - 15/03/2013 AD- Manager Om Chao Biro Feed Industry Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu, Nepal
 02/06/2013 AD to 15/06/2015 - Manager Probiotech Industries Pvt. Ltd., Sinamangal, Kathmandu
 16/06/2015 AD to 16/07/2018 AD- Animal Development and Health Specialist Kisankaalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram "Improved Seed for Farmers Program" (KUBK-ISFP), Ministry of Agriculture Development, GON, Rupandehi Nepal (A project of IFAD and GON, Nepal)
 17/09/2018 AD to 17/03/2021 AD - Assistant Professor Faculty Of Agriculture (FOA), Far-Western University (FU)
 18/03/2021 AD to 08/03/2022 AD- Assistant Professor IAAS, Rampur Campus (TU)
 09/03/2022AD to Till- Assistant Professor FAVF/ AFU, Rampur