Workshop / Conference Attended

  1. Sunila Rai, Assoc. Professor/Assistant Dean visited Seattle, U.S.A., 6-12 February 2014 to attend the World Aquaculture Society’s Aquaculture America 2014 conference and the 2014 AquaFish Innovation Lab Annual Meeting.
  2. Dilip K. Jha, Assoc. Professor visited Seattle, U.S.A., 6-13 February 2014 to attend the World Aquaculture Society’s Aquaculture America 2014 conference and the 2014 AquaFish Innovation Lab Annual Meeting.
  3. Sunila Rai, Assoc. Professor/Assistant Dean visited Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1-5 March 2014 to attend the Regional Workshop: Production and sustainable management of nutrient-rich small fish (SIS) in ponds and wetlands for improved nutrition in South Asia. 
  4. A workshop to strengthen one health regional collaboration in South Asia was  co-organized by Connecting Organizations for Regional Disease Surveillance (CORDS), EcoHealth Alliance, the International Society for Infectious Disease (ISID), the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED), and the Skoll Global threats Fund was held at Kathmandu May 29 and 30, 2014.  Vice chancellor of AFU Prof. Kailash Nath Pyakuryal was the chief guest on the meeting. Prof. Dr. I.P.Dhakal had attended this meeting. Nearly 70  scientists from India, Pakistan, Bengladesh, Nepal, USA etc were present. Mr. Mark S. Smolinski from Global Threat and Dr. Jon Epstein from Ecohealth Alliance USA were present in the meeting.
  5. Prof. I.P. Dhakal presented a paper on 13th Asian Association of Veterinary School meeting organized by One Health Forum Korea at Seoul National University at South Korea on July 9 to 11, 2014. Scientists from East Asia such as Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Phillipines,Thailand, South Korea and Michigan University (MSU), USA have attended this meeting. Agencies such as World Bank and OIE were also invited. One health on veterinary curricula was also discussed on the meeting.
  6. Madhav K. Shrestha, Professor/Coordinator of Postgraduate Program Studies visited Timor-Leste, 4-13 July 2014 to participate the Small-scale freshwater aquaculture training workshop aiming for exchanging small-scale aquaculture development experiences from across the South and Southeast Asian regions.