Prof. Naba R. Devkota in a team participated in 8th Buffalo Congress, Istanbul, Turkey

Prof. Dr. Naba Raj Devkota, Director, Directorate of Research and Extension at AFU had participated in the 8th Asian Buffalo Congress (ABC) held in Istanbul, Turkey during 21-25 April, 2015. Prof. Devkota also had presented two scientific papers on "Productive performance of oats varieties in relation to climate change", and variation in performance of teosinte with respect to various sowing dates' and had discussed with several other scientists about feeding management situation in Nepal including those from China ,USA, Turkey, Japan and Australia. Prof. Devkota had participated in the congress along with scientist from NARC (Dr. Chet Raj Upreti),  DLS, MOA (Dr. Lok Nath Poudel), Professor from Michegan State University , USA (Dr. Nanda Prakash Joshi), Dr Bhumi N Devkota, Director of Biotechnology Centre, AFU (see separate news clip for this). Dr. Durga Devkota, Co-ordinator of Rural Sociology and Development Studies Program, Faculty of Agriculture, AFU also had participated in the Congress where Dr. Durga Devkota had presented scientific paper on 'Gender role in livestock decision focusing to buffalo rearing in Nepal' and also had several sideline meeting with the international scientists. This visit was supported by LCC-CRSP-INPB/USAID project, operated by Michegan State University and Colorado State University in Collaboration with AFU, NARC, and DLS.