Completed one week surgical training
One week surgical training was conducted at Faculty of Animal science, Veterinary science and Fisheries during September 14 to 21, 2014 with the cooperation from World Veterinary Service (WVS) in association with HART, Nepal. The resource person was Dr. Maiju Tammnien from Finland. In addition, ex-student Dr. Sanjiv Pandit, Dr. Sudhir Yadhav and Dr. Sirjan Bastola have also assisted Dr. Maiju for conducting this training. Eighteeen students of Final year of B.V.Sc.& A.H program were the participants. They had operated and sterilized more than 55 community, street and pet dogs. The purpose of this training was to train the students on various techniques of dog sterilization to reduce dog population for controlling rabies. Mr Khageshwar Sharma from HART Nepal assisted this training by collecting dogs from villages and providing necessary surgical appliances and drugs. Mr Sharma has also constructed dog kennel at AFU Rampur. for keeping dogs after operation and sick dogs. All the resource persons, Mr. Sharma and his collegues from HART Nepal are highly acknowledged for their generous support in this training.